
Lab Drug Screening History

Labs Screenings in 2021: Everything You Need to Know

Most of us are aware that many employers have mandatory drug testing, but what other situations is testing implemented in?...
smiling doctor holding a urine sample

Different Uses for Fake Pee

To be on the legal side of things in 2019, it is wise for you to consider that you’re buying your fake urine for reasons other than urinalysis or screenings...
happy woman with approved hand

Clean Catch Urine Sample: Can You Use Synthetic Urine?

Having to provide a sample for a screening can be inconvenient, embarrassing and nerve-wracking. And if you haven’t needed to produce one before, it can be confusing, especially if the examiner qualifies it by saying you need to submit a clean catch sample. So, let’s sort out what this is and what you need to … Clean Catch Urine Sample: Can You Use Synthetic Urine? Read More »...
Goldenseal root

Goldenseal Detox Drink Review

These days, many natural health practitioners and herbalists are promoting the use of goldenseal as a way to boost the immune system and improve overall health. The natural antibacterial properties in goldenseal make it a popular remedy for people suffering from respiratory ailments, skin conditions, and digestive complaints. Some of the areas people claim to...
salt in a bowl

Certo Detox Methods

Word on the street is there is a detoxing method that has a high pass rate, is called the Certo Method. Many people are looking for quick fixes to rid their bodies of lingering toxin metabolites...
Lady holding a glass with little violet liquid

How Effective is Cranberry Juice to Detox

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering how effective cranberry juice is, or whether it will even work to pass a urinalysis test, right? Or how much cranberry juice would be sufficient to detox effectively? Well, you can sit back and relax because we can answer that for you! Throughout this article, … How Effective is Cranberry Juice to Detox Read More »...
Lady looking at the small round container with blue top

Advance Detox Solutions Review

Excitement and enthusiasm hardly accompany an unexpected screening. Whether it’s for pre-employment, random testing, legal obligation, or whatever else might cause a urinalysis, you’re most likely not looking forward to handing over a pee-filled container...
man covered in shaving cream

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Recent years have seen a massive shift in how Americans, the medical establishment, and state governments view the use of marijuana. In spite of the federal government’s continued insistence upon keeping it illegal, nine states now allow legal recreational use. Twenty-nine additional states allow for medical marijuana use. And a handful more, while not outright … How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System? Read More »...
funny boy in the toilet

Knowing The Standard Urinalysis Procedure Can Help You Pass

With all of the progress in science and medical research over the past few decades, one thing has remained relatively constant: If you’re an adult, the chances are that at some point in your life a doctor has asked you to pee in a cup. Providing a urine sample for urinalysis is commonplace in medical … Knowing The Standard Urinalysis Procedure Can Help You Pass Read More »...
five ways we know synthetic urine works

Five Ways We Know Synthetic Urine Works

No lie “Fake Pee,” more nicely known as synthetic urine, is a real thing and could not have come at a better time. What an option, to be able to use a product that can help you be screened for any urinalysis because there are no contaminants to be detected. If you are “iffy” as … Five Ways We Know Synthetic Urine Works Read More »...
Passing Drug Test with Palo Azul Detox Tea

Pass your Drug Test with Palo Azul Tea Detox

Palo Azul detox tea has been a buzzing topic on the internet as a body detoxification tool for several years now, including many mentions on popular websites and discussion boards...
Facts About Urine Testing

Facts About Urine Testing You Need To Know

Screening can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you don’t have a basic knowledge of urine screening facts. But even if you’re guilty of nothing, you’re still asking the question: Wait, did I eat a poppy-seed muffin this morning? More on that later.   If you understand the process, the advantages and disadvantages, and the … Facts About Urine Testing You Need To Know Read More »...