
happy beautiful lady

Fake pee to pass your urine test guaranteed!

Fake pee to pass a nicotine test has become ever more popular as Americans struggle to pass their test! Does fake pee work every time to pass a nicotine test? The answer is simple absolutely! There are many brands of fake pee on the market these days which can sometimes be confusing. The most popular … Fake pee to pass your urine test guaranteed! Read More »...

Quick Fix Urine & Urineluck Case Studies

As most of us know, there are many types of synthetic urine on the market today, and the question is: which ones work and which ones get detected?...

synthetic urine reviews

If you’ve been searching for a high quality synthetic urine, you may have already read a few synthetic urine reviews...
How To Pass A Urine Test

An Introduction to Urine Screenings

In many workplaces today, employees are required to take a common urine test. These tests could be looking for nicotine, which is related to company insurance...
surprised girl opening a box

Synthetic Urine Shelf Life & Proper Storage

A lot of people these days have been calling our hotline and asking an excellent question: “How long does synthetic urine last?” The answer is quite simple: Quick Fix synthetic urine stored at room temperature has a shelf life of two years from the date of manufacturing. However, there are some important factors to consider … Synthetic Urine Shelf Life & Proper Storage Read More »...